Congratulations on deciding to secure a room at City Groves! All you need to do is make a holding deposit of 2 weeks rent in advanced plus 4 weeks bond and fill out an application form! (you may also lodge the bond directly with the RTA if you have a QGov account).
Please keep in mind we cannot hold the room for you with out a deposit and bond payment!
(Before you make the payment, please read over our lease documents, house rules and special terms and conditions below. Cooling off period of 48 hours applies).
Direct transfer: Account Name: The Madhoji Family Trust Bank: NAB BSB: 083-170 Account Number: 68-686-5702 SWIFT Code (for international transfers): NATAAU3303M
Description or Reference Number : This will be the first 3 letters of your surname, followed by the unit and room number using U for unit and R for room. eg; Sam Smith : unit 9 room 5 -----> Reference code :SMIU9R5